- The Alamo, San Antonio
- US Interstate 10 - the Road to the Texas Star Party
- The Prude Ranch gate, made famous in a lot of astronomy magazines and websites
- Another view of the Prude Ranch entrance
- Bunkhouse room at the Prude Ranch
- Part of the Upper Observing Field
- A wide angle view of the Upper Field, from the north western corner
- 30" Starmaster, belonging to Alvin Huey
- A very nice 12" Dob on the Upper Field
- The Middle Field at TSP
- Information board at the VLBA
- The Fort Davis Antenna of the Very Long Baseline Array
- The vendors' building. Everything from scopes to eyepieces to atlases and red torches are sold here during TSP.
- Davis Mountains scenery - fortunately all the cloud went away at dusk
- Davis Mountains scenery
- "You're in John Wayne country, now!"
- Scenery in the Davis Mountains
- Scenery in the Davis Mountains
- Sunset over the TSP
- People begin to set up, as the light starts to fade
- Larry Mitchell's 36" Obsession Dobsonian. I have been fortunate to get to use this a lot during my TSP trips.
- McDonald Observatory
- Some TSP-ers looking at the sun with a special filter
- McDonald Observatory information sign
- The Otto Struve dome at McDonald Observatory
- The 82" Otto Struve Telescope
- The dome of the Hobby Eberly Telescope
- Information in the Harlan J Smith dome
- The Harlan J Smith dome at McDonald Observatory
- The 107" Harlan J Smith Telescope
- Lunar Laser Ranging information sign at McDonald Observatory
- McDonald Observatory - view from Mt Locke across to the Hobby Eberly Telescope
- McDonald Observatory Visitor Center